So sorry I haven't posted in forever. The past few weeks have been crayzee. I survived War (SCA-style), and you can read about my exploits here.
I've also been on a jury. Whee! Yes, I got picked as an alternate for the damned jury. So, between that and work and War, I've been a busy bee. I am hoping that the trial will be over with at the end of this week, but who knows. We should find out more today about the court's schedule. I'll admit, it has been a very interesting case - murder is never boring. I'll share the gory details once the case is over.
In knitting news, I am still picking at the shawl, but it is nowhere near finished. So, I picked this up again:
It pretty much looks the same, but MUCH longer. I have exhausted one skein and started on the second. This will be the longest scarf I've ever owned, and it will be lovely. At the rate I'm going, I will have it finished this weekend. I hope it stays cold outside so I can actually wear it!
Oh, and Secret Pal? I have made good use of that Knit Pixie gift certificate. I purchased enough of the charcoal Bartlett Fisherman yarn to make Mariah, and some size 17 dpns for my Bobbi Bear. Thank you for enabling me! Not that I need help, but I do appreciate any and all assistance that I receive ;)
One upcoming project that I am looking forward to is making some of these. I will make some for my dear friend Karen, who currently only has one boobie. I'm awfully tempted to give hers a pierced nipple - fun!